People online like to hide behind a wall of anonymity that turns them from doubtlessly mild- mannered neck- beards to raging keyboard warriors. I have observed this unfortunate phenomenon through the years.
I first got into the online world through the aegis of the mysterious yet unobtrusive Tom, who ushered me into the silcon circus that was MySpace. I made "friendsters" with people who proudly bore names such as Gypsy Foot Rocker and The Origional Kenyan. I noticed a lot of musicians on the page, such as my friend in San Diego, Tawny Heath who always seemed to be very proud of the work of her "street team". This was back in 2003, and I still have no earthly clue as to what a street team is.
I decided to join a forum on MySpace, so I picked the videogame topic. I opened a page and threw up a few chat topics to test the waters. I invited my fellow MySpacers to share their favorite Final Fantasy games, and I opened a DreamCast thread. It took only one afternoon for me to find, much to my dismay, that the digital waters were filled with ADHD riddled pirhannas. People who responded to my threads had no interest in the subjects at hand. One poster named "Brian the Fist of the Bronx" would always and only talk about his favorite game, which happened to be BattleToads. Not a RPG. Not a Dreamcast game. Not even a particularly good game. But he would insist on fighting his good fight to spread the BT Gospel on any thread he could find with his 10 thumbs. Woe betide any who had the temerity to remind him that he was venturing off topic.
There was a veritable rogues' gallery in the MSVGF back when it existed. People like the moderator Slick, who looked from his profile picture like one of Britney Spears' body guards and had one of every system known to man. Milky who looked like a latina marine with crew cut and wife beater who liked Nintendo. And Goku9000 who looked like an anime character from Dragon Ball Z, I suppose. He didn't really seem to much like anything except cursing out people who were expressing any kind of opinion about, well, pretty much anything. He got tons of mileage out of his two favorite memes...
"Imma charge'n up ma lazooors!" This was followed by his second fave of the day: "Shoop-de- Woop." Not a clue. Both featured wierd hand drawn looking GIF's depicting an R-Type ship shooting side scrolling enemies. I'll leave off with Weabooboo69, he had a GIF of He-Man's 'lil buddy, Orco for an avatar. All he ever seemed to say was "Belts and Zippers." Trying to hold a conversation with such a limited little being was pointless.