What do - good liberals are unwilling to do is tell the "emotional sob stories" of native inhabitants who get raped by migrants, or lose jobs, food and housing to them, or note how the welfare given to migrants in the millions will be paid for by the economically distressed host nation over time. Or how their native culture is degraded.
If you wanted to REALLY help these migrants/refugees, why not do some "nation re - building" instead, and establish stable governments in Africa or the Levant? Well, of course the NWO wants to destabilize Europe and America. Secondly, they can more easily exploit the natural resources in these countries the fewer natives are there to protest their efforts. Africa has oil, gold, diamonds, and minerals used for cell phones and other technology such as lithium used for lithium ion batteries, et al.
While the ransacking of the third world continues, a crisis gets created in the first world that allows for those governments to usher in more "Patriot Acts" leading to a slow institution of Martial Law, drip by drip.